Thursday 6 November 2014

Star Wars Y Wing

Star wars Y - Wing in Maya 2015

At first i used the same technique to change the viewpoint so that I could put the image that i was using as a reference on the the area so that it is flat like so:
 This was the image that I used for getting the dimensions correct on the Y-Wing, I did not bother to cut it into pieces so that i could make it a 3-D reference I just kept it 2D.

This is what one of the engines looked like as I was working on it. I was switching between to two views that you can see here and trying to keep it so the proportions were correct. The back part of the engine was achieved by taking a cylinder and using the vertex selection to drag them out to make more of a hollow cone shape. The sphere at the front of the wing was created by making a sphere and then centring it to 0,0,0 and using the mirror cut tool to make sure that it is even.

The image above shows the finished product before texturing it I created the cockpit by using the cuboid tool and then using vertex selection tools to create more of a cockpit kind of shape. I duplicated the first wing i created to make sure that the second one was an exact copy of the first one.

I added two small guns on the front of the Y-Wing using the cube tool and a gun on top of the cockpit by using the cylinder tool.

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