Tuesday 4 November 2014

Star Wars Tie fighter in Maya 2015

In this blog post I will be showing how I created the star wars tie fighter in Maya 2015.

To start with I found a suitable reference image and copied that into Maya using the view image on the top down view port so that the image would be set to the centre of the screen and i can then start to work on it.
This was the reference image that I decided to use in my work for the space ship.

This is the way I had it set-up and as you can see I used the sphere tool for creating the hull of the ship and for the wing I used a cylinder and created it so that it only had 6 subsections. This made it so that it followed the hexagonal shape of the wing.

In this image I have added divisions to the wing to make them more profound and so that I can later texture it so that it looks like the tie fighter from the films.
In this image I have created the tie fighter and merged it together using the boolean tool for unions.
I will now begin to work on the hull.
The hull on the tie fighter was complete, all I used squares and extruded them to make the panes for the hull window, all i need to do now is texture it.

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