Saturday 13 December 2014

Animation Phase

The Animation phase

The following post will be me surmising the animation creation phase of this assignment and then followed up by an evaluation of my techniques used. 

To start with I imported all of the created models that I did for the first part of this assignment, I then arranged them how I had drawn out in the story board and then started to use the Key frame method to animate them.

I did also use the graphing to straighten out parts of the turning and to make it smoother because key framing is not always smooth. This has made the animation a lot better by combining techniques such as the graphing and the key framing I have created a better animation. 

I set the frames to 30 FPS because to make a 30 second animation simple maths would tell me that I need 900 frames.

I followed the storyboard that I created to make the animation quickly and efficiently with enough time to work on getting the animation looking sharp and complete. 

I did have one problem that I was not able to solve and that was when the tie fighter and the star destroyer shoot the red beams were just floating for most of the animation. I was not able to find a fix for this and thus had to leave it in.

To create the textures for the red beams that the ships shoot I used the PhongE texture and made it so that it would glow and be luminescent.

to make the skybox I used a giant sphere that was bigger then the rest of the animation. Once I had done this I revered the normals and applied a texture of space that was above 30000px to stop it from tearing or from looking low res. This created a seamless sky box and it is the thing I like most about the animation that I have created.

I did texture the models but only in lighter colours as I do not think I had the time frame to successfully create a UV map for the 3 models that I was using otherwise I would have created actual textures for the models by using the UV mapper tool and creating the patterns for them in photoshop. This would be the one thing I would do differently if I had to do it again because I find that it would have made it look easier on the eyes and made it look more professional. 

To evaluate I think that I would have made a better animation if I knew how to stop the red parts from just floating for most of the animation and if I worked on camera angles more because I feel that is one major part that lets down my animation is that my camera skills are lacking and I will have to work on them to improve and get them up to a decent standard if I was to pursue animation any further.